Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Great leaders are not born, they are made...

    A'kum....hye friends....we meet again...This time, i would like to share my opinion about great leaders.Well, some of us are leaders, like being a president of BBET Club, a manager for SIFE, and even an eldest sister among our siblings also make you a leaders.However, there are significance different  between leader and a great leader.Are we great leaders?Who could lead their people wisely,and take a rational action rather than get into emotional feeling and making a fool decision that later we regret,or even at least a leaders who is fair enough to judge their people on their achievement but not on their talent  to buy your heart?
    As for me, there are so many sign to characterize a great leader.A great leader must be wise, rational, firm , fair, kind , and talented to lead. These great leader's characters will never possessed by a baby ones he born, but will be appear by his experiences and as a result of learning to be one.This is because leaders are many to find, but great leaders are one in thousands.